Overnight Extra Soft Whole Wheat Oat Rolls
This recipe is a combination of two: Chain Baker’s extra soft whole wheat no-knead overnight rolls and a new Cook’s Illustrated video about “oatmeal” rolls. Note this is not a “toothsome” roll; they oats meld into the crumb of the bread. I tweaked the chain baker recipe by substituting oats for white flour in the scald, and adding some sourdough discard. Note I ended up adding around a cup more flour than what is written in this recipe, next time I will measure exactly how much flour I use. Overall though, recipe is a winner and very convenient (no stand mixer or kneading required). Furthermore, the 6-roll portion size is appropriate for a single person, like myself :’)
For the scald:
60 grams rolled oats
40 grams dark rye flour
6 g caraway seeds
200 g boiling water
For the main dough:
300 g whole wheat flour (needed to add a lot more)
20 g rye flour (maybe this made the first version sticky?)
8 g salt
15 g molasses
5 g dry yeast
2 tablespoons sour cream
2 tablespoons sourdough discard
100 g water (I may have accidentally added more in first round)
Make the scald by combining ingredients in a big bowl and pouring in boiling water. Let cool until warm to touch — especially in the winter, this warmth will help the yeast and sourdough starter.
Add non-flour ingredients and mix well.
Add flour. Mix with bench scraper or dough whisk. If this is too wet and sticky, add some flour. Sticky is not bad, but too sticky means rolls won’t form. Chain baker notes the ‘dough temperature’ should be 77-79 F. Cover dough ball.
Wait 15 minutes and do a stretch and fold. I keep the dough in the bowl. Do this two more times.
Divide the rolls into 6 or 8 equal pieces with bench scraper. Coat hands in flour, and pull each piece inside itself to form a boule. Place each boule on a half-sheet baking tray lined with OILED parchment paper or tin foil.
Let this proof in the fridge for 12-24 hours. Let come to room temperature before baking. Spray with water bottle before baking.
Bake for 20 minutes at 410 degrees.